Submitting a Letter to the Editor (LTE) to the Stuart News/TC Palm is a great way to get your message out to the Treasure Coast public. Your LTE can educate or persuade others and increase awareness of your topic. It might even lead to discussions and potentially could influence policymakers. It's one of the few things we can do that reaches such a large audience. So get involved and influence others by writing your LTE.​
Go to https://ewstcpalm.wufoo.com/forms/q1jkscld1v7h87e/ to submit your letter online.
Treasure Coast Newspapers regularly publishes letters to the editor from area residents. Letters submitted should:
1) Be fewer than 300 words.
2) Include the full name, street address, city, daytime telephone number and email address of the writer for verification purposes.
3) Be directed TO THE EDITOR, not addressing someone else or a copy of a letter sent to someone else.
4) Must address public issues and should not sound like commercial pitches.
5) Must be an original letter written by the submitter.
The Stuart News/TC Palm does not generally publish letters from writers outside their circulation area. Only one letter is accepted per month from any individual.
You may mail printed LTE to:
The News
PO Box 9009
Stuart, FL 34995-9009
Or fax letter to:
Editor, 772-221-4246
Your Letter to the Editor must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number. Letters are subject to editing for clarity and length, and become property of The Palm Beach Post.
Maximum length: 200 words.
Email your letter to letters@pbpost.com or fax it to (561) 820-4728.
You can also send it via snail mail to:
The Palm Beach Post
2751 S. Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, FL 33405