The Martin County Democratic Club (MCDC) mission and goals:
The Democratic Club is a major part of Martin Democrats. Our purpose and goals include:
To focus our efforts on getting Democrats elected to office by working with the DEC in phone banking, text banking, postcard mailing, canvassing, contributing financially to political campaigns, and other activities
To provide financial support to the county Democratic Executive Committee
To promote the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party within the MCDC and throughout our outreach to the community
To raise awareness of public issues of national, state, and local importance
To build coalitions and partnerships with other Democratic clubs and caucuses and community organizations
To grow our Democratic base in Martin County by reaching out to young people, NPAs, new residents, minority groups and others
MCDC is chartered through the Florida Democratic Party and operates locally through the Martin County Democratic Executive Committee.
Membership to MCDC is meant for registered Martin County Democrats.
Annual dues are $20 per adult ($15 for students). Dues are for the calendar year, January - December.
Application Process: It's easy. You just need to submit an application form and pay annual dues. We offer both a paper version and an online method for both application and payment. Your choice!
Application Form (choose one of these methods) -
1. To apply by printing out an application form, filling it out, and mailing it to our office, click here for the paper form.
2. To apply by filling out the online form, click here for the online application. It's quick and easy! -
Paying Dues (choose one of these methods)
1. To pay dues by check, make the check out to MCDC and mail it in along with the application form to:
Martin County Democratic Club
PO Box 1497
Stuart, FL 34995
2. To pay dues online, go to our ActBlue account. Note on your application form (either paper or online form) that you paid your dues online.
Renewals: Current members should pay their annual dues each January.. You may pay by check or online.
If you are a registered Martin Democrat who has not yet become a Club member but you'd like to attend one of our meetings, please plan to do so. Be sure to introduce yourself at the meeting and we'll help you with the application process if you choose to become a member.
When and where are our meetings?
We meet the first Tuesday of the month (except July).
In-person meetings are held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 21 SE Central Pkwy in Stuart.
In-person meetings start at 6:30 p.m., but doors open at 6:00 p.m. for socializing. Many members meet to socialize again after the meeting.
When Zoom meetings are required, 6:30 p.m. is the start time.
Please join us at our meetings -- in person or Zoom!
Learn about the various activities MCDC engages in throughout the year, such as fundraisers in the fall and spring, celebrations in July and December, and attendance at numerous local events. Stay in the know about what’s happening next.
Hear club and caucus leaders discuss up-to-date information about the happenings of their club/caucus. Get involved!
Meet our guest speakers, including local and state party leaders and candidates running for upcoming elections.
Get to know friendly, like-minded people at our social gatherings. Make friends!
Make a difference. Help Democrats win local, state, and national elections by getting out the vote and providing financial support for Democrats. Volunteer for local activities that promote Democratic causes.
Events coming up:
Look for announcements about sign waiving, phone banking, canvassing, protesting, and other ways we make our mark as Martin Democrats!
Join the Sunshine Committee to welcome new Democrats to Martin County
For more information on MCDC, complete the Contact Form and someone will get back to you!
Be sure to check out the Martin County Democratic Club Facebook page for further information on MCDC.
Pictures from past meetings and events showing us in action.
Click on each to expand.