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Upcoming Rallies and other Calls to Action

FEB 17

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Come join us on Presidents Day at the north side of the Roosevelt Bridge, 10am - 12pm.  Let's show the public that we love our country and want it to remain a Democracy!

FEB 14 - 22

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The Martin County Fair will be from Feb 14 - Feb 22.  We will have a booth there to spread the word about our activities, get petitions signed, encourage VBM, and answer questions.  To volunteer to work a shift at the fair, go here.   

Like Michelle Obama said, "DO SOMETHING!"  Gay Valimont is running in Florida District #1's Special Election on April 1.   This is Matt Gaetz's former seat.


Click here or on the picture above to join a phone bank and make calls on her behalf.


Go Blue!  Dems only need 3 seats to flip the House and win back control.  Help Gay Valimont get elected!

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Feb 25

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Help candidates in Congressional Districts 1 and 6 by reaching out to Blacks voters in those districts, asking them to re-enroll in Vote by Mail and to support Gay Valimonte (District 1) and Josh Weil (District 6). Click here to sign up on Mobilize.

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Josh Weil is running for House District 6.  His main opponent is AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL  Randy Fine, whom Trump, of course, has endorsed.  Let's help Josh win this election and bring us closer to flipping the House!  Click here to see Mobilize links to phone bank for Josh.

Martin County Democrats support the initiatives for the Right to Clean Water and for Medicaid Expansion for Low-Income Residents.  Click here for more information on submitting your signed petition.

Kneeling Protestors

Martin Democrats at the protest held at Rick Scott's office in West Palm Beach!

(click on pics to enlarge)

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Martin Democrats had a GREAT reception at this year's ArtsFest!  Almost 200 Right to Clean Water petitions signed!

(click on pics to enlarge)

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Martin County Democrats had a fun time at this year's 40th Annual Black Heritage Festival

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To pay online, click on RSVP TODAY! 

To pay by check, make check out to

Martin County DEC and mail to PO Box 1497, Stuart, FL 34995


Three levels of tickets:

Bronze = $75 each

Silver = $125 each

Gold = $175 each and public recognition

Office Scene

Martin County Democratic Headquarters

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  • The Martin County Democratic Party Headquarters is open M-F, 9-1.

  • Located in Northgate Plaza at 611 SW Federal Hwy, Suite K1.  Turn off Hwy 1 onto SW McPherson St and park in the large parking lot at the back of the building.

  • Stop by to say hi, volunteer, ask questions, make a donation.  ​​

American Flag


  • Suscríbete a nuestro boletín de noticias?

  • ¿Unirse a un caucus o club?

  • ¿Ayuda para que los demócratas sean elegidos?

  • ¿Hacer amigos y conocer a sus compañeros demócratas Martin?

Complete el siguiente formulario y nos comunicaremos con usted. ¡¡Damos la bienvenida a todos los demócratas de Martin a unirse a nosotros !!

¡Gracias! Mensaje enviado.


948B SE Central Parkway, Stuart, FL 34994
Teléfono: 772-221-0405

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Martin County Democrats

Publicidad política pagada
Pagado y aprobado por el Comité Ejecutivo Demócrata del Condado de Martin
El DEC del Condado de Martin no respalda a ningún candidato o comité de candidatos.

© 2017-2021 Comité Ejecutivo Demócrata del Condado de Martin - Todos los derechos reservados

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